We are pleased to have our latest report published on the CQC website
The purpose of a CQC inspection is to place the people who use care services at the heart of planning for their care and support, the CQC focus their inspections on the quality and safety of services, based on the things that matter to people. They ask five key questions about the service. These are:
- Are they safe? Safe: you are protected from abuse and avoidable harm.
- Are they effective? Effective: you care, treatment and support achieve good outcomes, helps you to maintain quality of life and Is based on the best available evidence.
- Are they caring? Caring: staff Involve and treat you with compassion, kindness, dignity, and respect.
- Are they responsive to people’s needs? Responsive: services are organised so that they meet your needs.
- Are they well led? Well-led: the leadership, management, and governance of the organisation make sure It’s providing high-quality care that’s based around your Individual needs, that It encourages learning and innovation, and that It promotes and open and fair culture.
Our 2018 inspection report has given us a ‘good’ rating in all key lines of enquiry. We are really pleased with this outcome and proud of our team for working hard to achieve this.
We particularly like these statements from the report:
“We saw cards which had been sent to the service thanking them for the care and support provided to their family members. One of the cards stated, “Thank you for the wonderful care you gave to Grace. You all became part of the family.” We received a written compliment, prior to our inspection, from a person’s relative. They had also written to the service and the letter was displayed in the office. The information we received stated, “The team that attend to Lesley have provided the most professional, personalised, friendly, kind and observant care consistently.”
As a care provider that strives to constantly improve, our next objective is to take this to the next level and reach outstanding overall. We have a clear strategy to help us achieve this and we will of course update all stakeholders as and when we get there. Many thanks to all who were involved in the success of this inspection.
The Nayland Care Team.