Going Paperless – A big change to care plans and records
Nayland Care has taken a bold decision to go paperless with our care planning and rostering processes. This involves big changes for both staff and customers alike. There are many benefits from going from a paper-based system to electronic. Some of which include:
- Staff have access to customer care plans and risk assessments prior to visiting which means they have the opportunity to get to know lots of important information about you before attending to your care.
- Care plans and risk assessments can be updated and instantly available to staff and customers
- Our team leaders and managers have instant access to care records which means we can take a more proactive and timely approach to spotting concerns with care delivery
- It’s more cost-effective
- It’s more environmentally friendly as it saves loads on paper, ink and fuel
- Care notes are clear and easy for us to read and understand
- Staff are required to log in when they arrive at a customers house and if a carer hasn’t arrived within a set time the system alerts us
- Care records are set to enable us to spot trends and patterns in care delivery that need attention or improvement
- It saves time on record keeping and other administrative tasks which means more time for care
We are due to go live with Access (our new system) in November 2019. Gradually we will be removing paper care records from all customer houses and switching over to Access. We are doing this in stages so that we can take enough time to ensure a smooth transition. All paper based folders, including those in each customer’s home, will be replaced with a plastic folder which contains a QR code for logging in and out of the visit along with a copy of our service user guide, complaints procedure and a copy of the care plan document. The daily notes will not be visible in the home once a customer has switched over to Access. Customers can request copies of the daily notes anytime and we will provide these in accordance with GDPR (data protection) requirements.
All information is securely stored in our Access system with authentic login and full GDPR compliance. We are aware this is a significant change to the way we’ve worked historically, however after thorough research, we are fully confident that it offers more capacity to ensure we are safe, effective, responsive and that we have more time for care.
If you have any questions or queries related to this change please do not hesitate to get in touch with one of the team.