On 4th June 2020 Nayland Care had its emergency framework assessment from the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
Due to the pandemic full inspections have been suspended until it is safe for them to resume. In the meantime, the emergency assessment framework has been introduced. Its primary objective is to support care providers through the pandemic. It is also designed to ensure people using the service are safe and protected as far as possible from the risk of infection by assessing the information they already hold about the service and checking that we have all the relevant processes in place. We’re pleased to inform you that we passed with flying colours. We also had the opportunity to feedback to the regulator about what challenges we have faced and any lessons that we feel need to be learned by key decision and policymakers.
Our inspector commented:
“From our discussion and other information about this location, we assess that you are managing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The provider prepared well for this crisis and implemented a COVID-19 risk management plan which demonstrates risks are assessed and mitigated. The service has access to sufficient PPE. There were systems for staff to access support as needed. Staffing has been managed well which means people continue to receive their planned care visits. Positive relationships maintained with the local authority contracts team. Improving and delivering care: The service continued with delivering care and support to people and governance systems have continued throughout. People have been updated and reassured throughout the pandemic.”
We would like to pass on our sincere thanks to our staff for working so hard and keeping people safe. We would also like to thank our customers for working alongside us by sticking to the stay at home guidance. We don’t underestimate how very difficult it has been for you to restrict visits from family and friends during the outbreak. We know this has caused social isolation for many of you and we are always here to help in any way we can. We admire your resolve and thank you for playing your part in keeping us free from outbreak. We hope to resume to some level of normality soon but please stay vigilant in the meantime so we can continue to keep people safe.